When is a shower more than a shower? When it provides a path out of homelessness. This is the mission of Showers of Hope, a Salt Lake City-based organization committed to giving unhoused people access to running water, hygiene products, clean clothing, and more. The Advocates are proud to partner with Good Things Utah to recognize this organization making a difference in our community.
About Showers of Hope
When COVID-19 hit, Utahn Debi Thelin lost her home and had to live out of her car. Once winter rolled around, cold weather forced her to leave Salt Lake City and head to Los Angeles. There, she found resources like Safe Parking LA, a program that allows people experiencing homelessness to park their cars safely overnight.
When Debi told her friend, Renee Shaw, about her experiences as an unhoused person in LA, the two women were inspired to provide similar resources for the unsheltered population in Utah. Thus, Showers of Hope was born.
Showers of Hope uses a renovated camper to provide warm showers, food, clothing, and even haircuts to people who need them. Without these resources, it can be difficult for people experiencing homelessness to get back on their feet—how can one find a job without clean clothing to wear to the interview?
“When I was filthy, because there were some days that if it was raining and stuff, you couldn’t get showers. I found myself looking down and not eager to face the world and a little not worthy. You just don’t feel as worthy as everybody else. And I feel like showers should be a basic human right,” said Thelin. “I would really like to see the city officials supporting services like this. It feels like they haven’t been supportive, and it’s disheartening.”
Currently, Showers of Hope serves the community at Liberty Park on Wednesdays from 1:00 pm-3:00 pm. They hope to expand with the help of more volunteers and funds.
How Can I Get Involved?
There are several ways to further the mission of Showers of Hope. The first is to donate on their website. They also have links to their Amazon and Walmart wishlists.
The organization is also looking for volunteers to help with set up, tear down, haircuts, and other services. You can contact them on Facebook at @Showers of Hope-Utah.