Does a Car Crash Affect My Insurance Costs?

What is the Average Car Insurance Increase in Utah After an Accident?

Being in an accident can often leave drivers wondering whether their car insurance will increase or not. When calculating how much your annual rates will increase, it’s important to remember that determining who is at-fault for the accident is one of the leading factors that will decide if your rates change.

utah car insurance

One of the first steps you should take after being in an accident that wasn’t your fault is to submit an accident claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company as soon as possible. If you’re able to file a claim with their insurance company, you will likely not have to worry about your yearly rates increasing.

However, there is certainly grey area when it comes to being involved in more rare types of accidents, such as a hit-and-run or being in an accident with an uninsured motorist. In these instances, you may run into trouble with having to submit an accident claim with your own insurance carrier. You might see an increase in the cost of your coverage. Typically, this depends on your carrier’s insurance policies regarding submitting not-at-fault claims.

Drivers who are at-fault, however, almost always face a high increase in their insurance rates more than the accident victim does. In fact, there are several states in the country that have significantly higher average rates following an accident claim. Unfortunately, Utah is one of those states.

How Much Does Utah Car Insurance Increase on Average?

According to, car insurance rates go up about 31% on average nationwide for one at-fault accident with over $2,000 in damages. Utah’s average rate, on the other hand, goes up 40% for one at-fault collision.

Most drivers in the Beehive State pay an annual insurance rate of $1,212, which can jump to $1,699 yearly if you cause one collision.

It’s important to keep in mind, though, that these numbers only reflect being the at-fault driver in one accident. Depending on the state you live in, your insurance company and, ultimately, your driving record, these rates can change significantly.

When shopping around for car insurance, you should always try to understand the ins and outs of your coverage when it comes to submitting both at- and not-at-fault insurance claims, especially for specific circumstances such as a hit-and-run.

If you ever see an increase in your insurance after submitting a not-at-fault claim with your own insurance company, you should speak to one of their representatives right away. It’s possible that they made a mistake, but if not, maybe it’s time to consider driving with a new insurance company.

When to Call an Advocate About Your Accident

If you or a loved one were recently injured by another driver, you will need the best legal representation on your side. The car accident lawyers at The Advocates will make your recovery our top priority. While you focus on healing, our attorneys will work with insurance adjusters and get you the maximum compensation for your insurance and losses.

Our car accident attorneys have represented thousands of injured people throughout the state of Utah. We always keep your best interests in mind and will work with you and your family each step of the way. Don’t wait to contact The Advocates. You can call us today at 801-657-4604 or use our Online Chat Here on our homepage. You deserve an Advocate!